A training course that will teach you The Windows Command Line CMD
The Windows Command Line CMD Begginer to Intermediate is a training course presented on the most famous course site, Udemy, in which the trainer explains everything related to dealing with the Windows command line and explains most of the commands that you will need if you are a Windows user. Of course, the Windows desktop is designed to interact with the user through the simplified interface that we can browse with the mouse only, enter and exit files, as well as create, delete, move files, etc.
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Description of what you will learn in this course The Windows Command Line CMD Beginner to Intermediate
In this training course translated into Arabic, you will understand through a simplified and comprehensive explanation of the Command Line CMD command prompt and most of the commands that you will need in your daily dealings with the computer. What is Command Line? CMD is a command prompt or prompt. It is a command line interpreter available from Microsoft on OS/2 OS, Windows CI, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows VISTA, and Windows 7. , Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.
You can use Windows faster by studying the complete set that you may need to know regarding the Windows home command line (CMD). You will be able to develop yourself to become the most effective and productive model for yourself. This course also explains the use of the shell command, and you may have direct interaction with the work system. Let’s say it’s like a translator that accepts instructions or consumer input and translates them into machine language. These instructions are pre-specified and carry out a specific operation.

These instructions will effectively be grouped collectively to perform a series of operations. In addition, these instructions do not need to be entered manually and will be written into a batch file to automate a number of manual duties such as taking a scheduled backup of the server, deleting unwanted information, etc. These guidelines are very useful at the time of community troubleshooting or for daily work. You will know these instructions from many programming languages corresponding to Java, which allow the programmer to perform an operation immediately through the immediate command,
Which in any other case would take a number of code strains to be written to essentially implement the similar operation. To run the command immediately inside administration mode, type cmd inside the current search bar inside the taskbar, and then right-click cmd. You will notice a Run option while admin clicks OK and then the command will immediately open inside admin mode. A batch file is a text file in DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows. It consists of a series of instructions to be executed by a command line interpreter,
They are saved in a plain text content file (.txt file). A batch file can include any command that the compiler accepts interactively and uses constructs that allow branching and conditional iteration within the batch file, corresponding to IF, FOR, and GOTO designations. The “batch” time period is from batch processing, which means “non-interactive execution”, although a batch file cannot path a collection of knowledge.
How to enter CMD Line?
To enter the command instantly no matter which model you may be using, follow these steps. One of the quickest ways to enter the order instantly is to take advantage of the Run window. To open the Run window, press Windows key + R on your keyboard. When you do that, this run window will open after which type cmd and press Enter.
Once you click on the OK command window,
The instant window will open. To run the command immediately inside administration mode, type cmd inside the current search bar inside the taskbar, and then right-click cmd. You will notice a Play while clicking option
Administer to OK and then the command will open immediately inside admin mode.
Course specifications and content for The Windows Command Line CMD Beginner to Intermediate

Publisher: Udemy
Coach: Zaber Mahmud
language: English
Translation: English and Arabic
Educational level: Basic to advanced
Number of lessons: 12
Course duration: 1 hours and 57 minutes

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